Friday, October 18, 2019

Progress paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Progress paper - Essay Example Also, the project is worth undertaking given the huge potential that it has. Thus the E-coin project will be well out thought venture for Goldman Sachs given the numerous investments. Moreover, the internet usage of E-coin continues to show a tremendous sign of growing over the past few years. The return for Goldman to investment in E-coin is invaluable if E-coin becomes one of the most popular online payment systems. Strategy on putting the advert about E-coin technology that Goldman seeks to introduce was crafted. This involved how the technology would be advertised. In doing this, some of the reputable media organizations were approached to do the advert. The department involved in executing this task was the marketing department. The advert was to be done in a full-page paper in magazines as well as through TV adverts and radio adverts. Further, also, negotiations were done with the supplier companies that would be tasked with the production of the technology. The negotiations entailed a meeting at the company headquarters where resolutions were arrived at. Among others, the resolutions included the manner in which the technology would be secured and made easy to use, that is, user friendly. The down payments for the technology were done. Further, an agreement was made that the IT team from Goldman Sachs would work collaboratively with the company’s IT team. The work at this stage is more of transition work that I am doing to ensure that Goldman Sachs properly adopts the E-coin payment system. At this stage, we have acquired a number of equipment to see the adoption and implementation of technology. We are bringing experts also on board at this stage so as to implement the technology successfully. Therefore, lots of resources are bing deployed at this stage to ensure successful execution of task. Deploying resources means that we

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